Ongoing Learning (OGL)

First Aid

If using external qualifications and courses, please contact the County First Aid training team ( to discuss any top-up learning needed.

How does training work?

First Aid training is delivered in two parts: 

These can be covered as:

The Blended Model" is the most convenient for the majority of adults in the County.

First Aid Theory

We're using Hampshire Scouts' system to deliver the learning portion this module.

Module validation is covered as part of the 10B course!

First Aid Practical

Details of face-to-face Module 10B will be sent once you have completed Module 10A.

You can also book onto courses via Eventbrite


The risk assessment for all activities should include First Aid:

Is there access to somebody with suitable knowledge and a current qualification for potential accidents / injuries identified?

Are the first aid materials identified in the risk assessment available (incl. at every meeting.)

There should be an accident book (or equivalent) at all meetings:

Is one available to every activity group leaving their usual meeting place?

Do all volunteers know where it is located and your procedures?

The GLNE First Aid Training Team 

Are the only people who can credit First Aid learning in the digital platform.

Can advise you on converting external qualifications so that they include all the elements of The Scouts First Response syllabus 

  Please contact for more information